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Secondary school Agios Nikolaos



The secondary school Agios Nikolaos is situated in the village of Agios Nikolaos in the Sithonia peninsula, Halkidiki,Greece, around 100km away fromThessaloniki, the second biggest city in the country.


It consists of a lower Gymnasium (around 100 students) and a higher Gymnasium (around 150 students) about more than 25 teachers in all. Our school provides education in all major subjects and besides that we are active on varius projects like Erasmus+,Sport activities (teams in Football, Volleyball, Basketball), Theatre group and a Choir.


Our area is highly touristic and has also a big production on agricultural products. One of them is honey. There are    many producers, smaller and bigger ones that keep bees and also a factory. This is also the main reason to take part on this project as we want to contribute to the project by our experience and know how in this field but also by exploring   new ways and methods about bee production and environmental issues linked to this.


Since also many families of our students are active on this field, this would be for our students a chance of working together with students of other countries in Europe. Furthermore we look forward for cooperation and inclusion between youngsters in Europe.


Our team of Erasmus+ coordinators consists of the staff below;


Our headmaster, Mr. Smagas Giannis, is very keen on the Erasmus+ projects and deals with the activities personally. Vasilios Papadopoulos (teacher of German language) will be the contact person at our school. Mrs. Ioanna Papadimou (teacher of Physics and vice-director of the school) will assist him and in case the contact person leaves the school, she will take over his role. Mrs. Angelopoulou (teacher of English language) will also assist to the team. Furtheromere there are other teachers experienced in this field.


We expect from the project to gain further knowledge, to work together and experience new methods about bees and honey.


Gymnázium Martina Hattalu Trstená


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