Institut Anna Gironella de Mundet
Anna Gironella de Mundet is a Public Learning Center located in Barcelona, a north-east courtline City of Spain, that offers a wide range of studies: ESO (Secondary Obligatory Education), Bachillerato (High School Degree), Middle and Upper Vocational Training and non-regulated courses (PFI: Professional Qualification Programs). There are around 1000 students from ages 11 to adulthood and 84 teachers at school. The School is over 50 years old and it is essentially plural, which guarantees respect for all people, believes and ideologies, in the ethical standards that stands in the coexistence within education.
The School is defined as a Catalan public school, democratic, non-discriminatory, professional and pro-European, and where we work out cross-cutting subjects such as health, culture coexistence, counseling, environment, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and the TAC (Learning and Knowledge).
Our students have the opportunity to learn two foreign languages: English and French. ESO Students take part every year in an English
Language and Cultural Programme with Malta.
Since 2015, we are involved every year in a local Environmental Program named "La motxilla bioclimàtica" (Bioclimatic BackPack) consisting on having during 3 weeks a backpack containing different professional gadgets to measure the climatic conditions on their classroom and determine if it is suitable enough to study in.
Since 2015 Anna Gironella de Mundet is implementing the methodology PBL where environmental Projects are developed at ESO classes every year during 3 months.
We are also being part of a local project called "Agenda21" promoted by Barcelona local government about Barcelona sustainibility.
We want to learn about other schools and other countries to offer our students a better experience while learning about environment.
Robotic VET students take part in competitions such as VEX competition where they have reached successful results: National Championship winners in 2015, 2016 and 2018 and runner-up position in 2017.
The Ins Anna Gironella de Mundet is linked to many countries around the world throughout different schools and it has been involved in many Lifelong Learning Programs since 2007 (Obinelli, Comenius, Leonardo and Erasmus).
Key persons involved in this Project are: 3 technological teachers who contribute with their experience on school projects and Erasmus Projects , 2 Maths teachers, 2 English and local languages teachers who will prepare students and teachers for mobilities, 1 music teacher, 3 science teachers plus the Coordinator who provides her previous experience in e-twinning and Erasmus Projects as Coordinator and as Partner.